Monday, December 26, 2011

Liposuction Surgery Beverly Hills - Best Results from Liposuction

Liposuction is a slimming technique that suctions deposits of unwanted fat from different portions of the body. Several types of Liposuction are available, using different techniques like lasers or ultrasounds to melt the fat and make the procedure easier, while causing minimal skin damage. However, all techniques employ a hollow tube called a cannula and a suctioning device.

Liposuction Surgeon Beverly Hills

There are numerous advantages to Liposuction. In Liposuction, fat removal is performed by preparing the surfaces and suctioning the fat with a cannula. High amounts of fat may be removed with traditional Liposuction and lower amounts with the newer Liposuction techniques. With Liposuction, there is no need for exercise, diet or other more complicated slimming techniques to eliminate fat. However, after the procedure, patients need to watch their diets and exercise to maintain the results of Liposuction. At Liposuction Specialist Beverly Hills centers, some procedures may be performed as an outpatient treatment. The results of Liposuction will be visible immediately after the swelling is gone and will improve for the following six months after the procedure. Some Liposuction procedures also have a skin tightening effect. The results can be durable, provided overeating is avoided and an active lifestyle is maintained. Liposuction procedures can be applied on various areas of the body including thighs, hips, buttocks, abdomen, upper arms, back, cheeks, chin and neck.

The ideal candidate for Liposuction has a stable weight that is within 30% of their ideal body weight. Good skin tone and elasticity is required for the procedure. The risk of complications increase for patients that smoke, have a family history of blood clots, diabetes, heart disease, lung disease or liver disease. Liposuction surgeons in Beverly Hills are board certified by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. As such, they operate in an accredited medical facility and have the necessary training and experience to safely perform Liposuction.

During a Liposuction surgery, patients are given anesthesia before a small incision is made. The Liposuction Specialist then inserts a hollow tube into the incision and pushes it forward and pulls it back repeatedly to scrape the fat. As the fat is removed from the surrounding tissue, it is sucked out through a vacuum attached to the tube.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Liposuction Beverly Hills - Liposuction in target areas for both men and women

Liposuction is one of a few plastic surgery procedures desired by men and women greatly. Thousands more women than men undergo plastic surgery procedures every year, but the amount of men undergoing plastic surgery has long been an increasing number. When it comes to liposuction men are rising to the occasion having liposuction in their problem areas. Men and women share the most popular areas in which they have liposuction; however, men see greater results with liposculpture and prefer to have high definition liposculpture over liposuction. The perfect candidate for liposuction is one that can successfully lose weight and is within their age range but has stubborn fat that won’t rid with exercise and healthy dieting. Stub born areas for men and women often include:
  • Buttocks
  • Abdomen
  • For men- breast
  • Arms
Many doctors agree that large arms are the first sign of obesity. Men and women both have different target areas in which it is easier for each to lose weight compared to the other. It is simple for men to lose weight in the arms and it is increasingly difficult for women to do so. Just like the arms it is easier for women to lose weight in the abdomen area when compared to men, and it becomes more difficult for a man as he ages. A target area for women to have liposuction is the arms. Liposuction is this area can remove excess fat but is not a solution to bat wings. 

The most popular area in which men and women share their desire for liposuction is the abdominal area. The abdominal area is one of the main areas that increase in size when weight is gained and even when it is not most people would like a flatter or more defined abdominal area. Most men who have liposuction in this area do so to define all their abdominal muscles and women to obtain a contoured figure only a liposuction specialist can make possible. Buttocks along with the thighs are a popular area in which women have liposuction. For many women when they experience weight gain this area usually become the biggest, and then it is the biggest struggle to make this area smaller. 

Many times women feel the area isn’t as small as it should be in proportion to their body and many choose liposuction Beverly Hills to remove the unwanted fat. Unfortunately some men suffer from a condition called gynecomastia this condition is often defined by a hormone imbalance the cause’s glandular or fatty breast tissue to develop. Men often look to exercise to rid the breast but exercise does not cure this condition. Many doctors like Dr Vishal Kapoor suggest liposuction to rid gynecomastia. If the tissue is fatty breast tissue then liposuction is the best option but if it is glandular then liposuction is not an option and ones doctor will suggest therapies and other hormonal treatment.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Liposuction Specialist - What can a liposuction specialist do for you?

Liposuction, also known as lipoplasty (“fat modeling”) or liposculpture suction lipectomy (“suction assisted fat removal”) is a cosmetic surgery procedure that removes fat from many different sites on the human body. Areas affected can range from the abdomen, thighs and buttocks, to the neck, backs of the arms and elsewhere. Liposuction is best suited for removing fat deposits that simply won’t go away with other weight loss methods like dieting and exercise. A good candidate for liposuction would be over 18 and in good health, have an ongoing diet and exercise regime, and have fatty pockets of tissue available in certain body areas.

Liposuction Beverly Hills, Liposuction Specialist Beverly Hills
The basic surgical challenge for a liposuction specialist is to remove the right amount of fat without causing damage to the neighboring tissue such as blood vessels and connective tissue, leave the person’s fluid balance undisturbed and cause the least discomfort to the patient. As techniques have been refined, many ideas have emerged that have brought liposuction closer to being safe, easy, less uncomfortable and effective. Liposuction Beverly Hills are performed by liposuction in areas of the body such as abdomen, hips, outer thighs (saddlebags), flanks (love handles), back, inner thighs, inner knees, upper arms, submental (underneath the chin) and gynaecomastia (male breast tissue). In general, fat is removed via a cannula (a hollow tube) and an aspirator (a suction device).

Suction-assisted liposuction (SAL) is the standard method of liposuction. Liposuction Specialist Beverly Hills inserts a small cannula (like a straw) through a small incision. It is attached to a vacuum device. The liposuction specialist pushes and pulls it in a forwards and backwards motion, carefully through the fat layers, breaking up the cells and drawing them out of the body by suction. Finer cannulas and better techniques have resulted in vastly improved results. SAL is the gold standard in liposuction techniques even now. In Ultrasound Assisted Liposuction (UAL), a specialized cannula is used which transmits ultrasound vibrations within the body. These vibrations burst the walls of the fat cells, emulsifying the fat (i.e. liquefying it) and making it easier to suction out.

Most liposuction procedures by Liposuction Specialist Beverly Hills are performed under general anesthesia, and some under local anesthesia. General anesthesia is safe and increases patients as well as the surgeon’s comfort during circumferential body contouring. Tumescent and super wet techniques are also used depending on the volume of aspirate expected. Tiny access points (2-3mm) are made in natural creases or within the bikini line through which the fat is aspirated. Patients can get up, walk around and go home the same day if they didn’t receive general anesthesia, and are able to return to work between two days and two weeks. A compression garment which can easily be removed by the patient is worn during this time period.
Thanks to the remarkable results it produces and due to its safe nature, Liposuction is one of the most sought after plastic surgery procedures today.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Liposuction Specialist Beverly Hills - Get the Best in the Business

Beverly Hills is an exclusive community in Los Angeles, California. Of the more than 9 million residents in the area, there are only about 34,000 that call this upscale community home. Of course, this is also where you will find the best specialists for cosmetic procedures of all kinds. When you want the best liposuction specialist Beverly Hills is definitely the place to be. The best surgeons have set up their businesses here because they understand the exclusive nature of the community and that status that comes with such a location, and you can benefit from this in many ways.

Liposuction Surgeon Beverly Hills, Liposuction Specialist

When it comes to finding a liposuction surgeon Beverly Hills residents don't have to look very far. Of course, taking the time to explore all of the different options that you have will give you the chance to get more out of your surgery every single time. You should be looking for the most reputable, qualified professionals who know exactly what it takes to give you more out of your cosmetic procedures. Look for the best results and the most satisfied clients to help you determine who is going to be best for your specific needs.

A liposuction specialist is the only person that you should even consider working with. These professionals know exactly how to handle liposuction procedures and are focused on this procedure exclusively so that they can provide better results to people who need them. This procedure can produce great results, but only when it is done by the professionals who truly know what they are doing. The quality is what matters here and working with a specialist gives you the chance to get a better outcome than you might by working with someone who handles different types of cosmetic procedures.

When it comes to getting liposuction Beverly Hills residents and customers have all the resources that they need. It's really going to be up to you to explore the options that are available and make sure that you find what you need. However, you can trust that your options are going to be much better simply because of your choice of this exclusive neighborhood to have the procedure performed. It doesn't matter why you are getting liposuction, as long as you know how to find the best professionals for the job. With the resources available and these tips, you'll be on your way to the best liposuction procedures in no time at all.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Liposuction Specialist Beverly Hills - Find out how a liposuction specialist can help you shed your pounds

Liposuction Specialist Beverly Hills is a board-certified plastic surgeon who specializes in Liposuction. Liposuction surgery is a surgical method adequate for both women and men which involves the use of a thin tube that withdraws fatty deposits from around the stomach, back, thighs, chest, sides and chin, which cannot be lost by exercise. There are areas of the body that are hard to sculpt, no matter how much exercise is realized, the stubborn fat just won’t go away. Liposuction is very beneficial to those aiming to reduce these fat pockets and have a slimmer body. Changes are noticeable immediately after surgery. Liposuction makes it easier to shop for clothes and people feel lighter. Confidence is regained, which is priceless. Ideal candidates for Liposuction are people who are in good health, have firm and supple skin, regularly exercise and have realistic expectations about the results.

A highly qualified and experienced Liposuction Surgeon Beverly Hills is committed to providing the safest and most effective Liposuction procedures in a warm and caring environment. His or her practice spends a great deal of time researching the newest and most popular trends in Liposuction surgery to ensure that his patients only receive treatments that are safe and effective. The liposuction specialist encourages honest and forthright discussions between patients in order to develop a specific treatment plan and create natural results that exceed patient expectations.

A Liposuction Specialist possesses excellent technical skills and the expertise needed to produce the desired results. Equally important, he or she has the unique ability to help patients realize their vision, through improved body contouring. Liposuction Specialists helps patients’ look and feel their best.

Liposuction Beverly Hills offers Liposuction Cosmetic Surgery in the region, conducted by highly experienced surgeons and clinicians in a discrete, pleasant environment. Patients are generally under general anesthetic. During surgery, a small tube is inserted into a tiny surgical incision, and used to break up the fat deposits, whereupon they are sucked out by a vacuum pump or a large syringe. Once the procedure has been completed, after 1 to 3 hours, an overnight stay may be required.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Liposuction Beverly Hills – Where to Go for Cosmetic Surgery

The cosmetic surgery is an increasingly common thing to do. It also is becoming less expensive for the average person to receive. The popularity and reduced cost might have you wondering where to go for the best cosmetic surgery. Your insurance likely will not pay for liposuction, so be prepared to handle the costs yourself. Liposuction Beverly Hills is a guaranteed winner when deciding what is right for you and your body. Beverly Hills has a wide array of surgeons that are trained and highly capable of performing a proper liposuction. You can begin your search for a doctor there.

When you first start looking you should know that a liposuction procedure can be performed in a variety of places. You can get it done at a general medical hospital, or at a personal office of a Liposuction specialist. You should look out for places that do not look legitimate, are unsafe, or unclean. If you see any of the indicators for improper practice and procedure be sure to alert the authorities of suspicious behavior. In Beverly Hills this is a lot less likely to happen, and you will find many offices that are at their best to help you look yours.

Liposuction specialist Beverly Hills is only one of the routes you can take for getting liposuction. However choosing your doctor should be a very well refined process. Many doctors will let you ask them questions about their qualifications, previous history, and how much they charge. You can sometimes find a great discrepancy between how much doctors will pay themselves for the liposuction. This can vary the cost greatly, so be sure to look around and not settle for the first doctor you meet with. You can look into the doctor online to see if there are any negative reviews or issues with your doctor.

Remember that who you choose for your liposuction procedure is the most important decision during the whole process. You do not want to have any issues with the surgery or the recovery afterward. Find a great Liposuction surgeon Beverly Hills and see how well he or she can take care of you. What you learn during your experience with your doctor will determine whether you ever go back to him for a second procedure. Listen to your heart and to others around you for advice and words of wisdom before you decide where to go for your next cosmetic surgery procedure.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Liposuction Los Angeles - Beach Ready in No Time

Every year, at around April, people start regretting everything they ate during the holidays. They regret the lazy winter days of inaction. They think about hitting the beach and groan in anticipation of all the hard work they're going to have to do in order to get their bodies beach-ready. They wish they were already in shape, since it's much easier to maintain a great body than it is to get one in the first place. But if you invest in liposuction Beverly Hills, then you may be able to start with a clean slate and maintain a good beach body instead of having to try to earn one.

Billboards line the 405 freeway, advertising liposuction Los Angeles at discount rates. But just because it's the cheapest doesn't always mean it's the best. In fact, the inverse is often true. Plastic surgery is still surgery, and you want to make sure that you're in good hands when you have this surgical procedure done. That's why so many people opt to use plastic surgeons that have offices on Wilshire Boulevard, as opposed to the ones who can't afford to pay the rent in Beverly Hills. If you want experience, Beverly Hills is where you'll find it.

The doctors who perform liposuction surgery Beverly Hills are the most experienced in the world. Beverly Hills is an affluent community, and many of its residents get plastic surgery done on a fairly regular basis, as compared to the rest of the world. As a result, the plastic surgeons in Beverly Hills simply get more experience than plastic surgeons in other parts of the country. They have more opportunity to hone their skills, and they become experts in the field simply by virtue of having performed so many more of the procedures than other doctors in the field.

If you're looking for a Beverly Hills liposuction specialist, you should start by asking anyone you know who's had the procedure done to recommend their own surgeon. But most people don't want to advertise the fact that they're looking for a plastic surgeon, so you may want to go another route. The internet is a place that offers some anonymity, and many people are eager to gush about their positive experiences online. If you look for online reviews of plastic surgeons, you're sure to find out more about a plastic surgeon that can give you the beach body you want.